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Morning Meditation Fall Appeal 2024

Dear Friend,

I love our mindful community. I honestly believe that every moment we practice meditation—the art of understanding and love—is a gift to ourselves, to those around us, and to the world. So when I thank you for your practice, I mean it. Thank you!

I don’t talk a lot about money or donations for Morning Meditation. The rewards of being with you and sharing practice alongside you are immense in themselves. But I do need to periodically reserve some time and energy to emphasize the need for donations to support the group. Our group meets at least twelve times each month, which is a pretty active schedule of practice. I’d love to keep our group as strong and as active as it is today, and that will require your help.

My hope is that you don’t think of donations to Morning Meditation as payment for a service that you’re receiving, but as a way to support our collective work of cultivating understanding and love. If what you’re contributing now is right for you, that’s wonderful and I deeply appreciate it. But if you have the means to contribute in a way that would make our group more sustainable, I’m asking you to consider doing so.

Maybe there’s a certain amount you’d like to donate for each meeting we hold—x dollars per meeting multiplied by 12 would be one way to contribute monthly. Or it may help to think about what you value in our work together and how that compares to other areas to which you regularly contribute—your weekly coffee budget or your monthly payments to streaming media services, for example. In any case, please check out the donate page to see your options.

Thank you for reading and thank you again for your sincere practice and support!
Reach out to me any time if you have any questions or feedback.

With love,